La « crise des réfugiés” a disparu des manchettes des journaux européens, bien sûr en partie à cause des attaques terroristes de Bruxelles, mais apparemment aussi parce que l’accord entre l’Union européenne et la Turquie conclu le 18 mars dernier semble avoir atteint son véritable objectif, au moins temporairement. Celui-ci consistait à empêcher les migrants, y compris les demandeurs d’asile, de quitter la Turquie en direction de la Grèce. Lire la suite
Day: abril 5, 2016
Desperately searching for solidarity : the EU asylum saga continues
The “refugee crisis” has disappeared from the headlines of European news, of course in part because of the Brussels terror attacks, but also apparently because the agreement between the EU and Turkey concluded on 18th March seems, at least temporarily, to have reached its real goal: preventing migrants, including asylum seekers, from leaving Turkey in the direction of Greece. However, this does not mean that the crisis is over, even if the EU and its Member States want to forget this difficult chapter in their history. Lire la suite